To enable Pak Green to live up to its values, we make a number of important commitments to our people, to our firm and to our clients.

Commitments with our people

  • To help our people to be objective, ethical and professional.
  • To encourage our people to raise ethical and professional issues without fear of retaliation.
  • To provide a safe and healthy work environment.
  • Provide appropriate work flexibility.
  • Maintain a just and fair approach to remuneration.

Commitments with Our Firm

  • To accept the right clients and only accept engagements that we can perform, consistent with our high-quality standards. Work with clients,suppliers, consultants and subcontractors that live up to Pak Green’s core ethical standards.
  • Drive quality by developing and applying appropriate Pak Green methodologies and standard operating procedures.
  • Strive at all times to protect and enhance Pak green’s reputation.
  • Keep assets and resources safe and use them only for appropriate business purposes.

Our clients

  • Deliver a high-quality service to clients in line with our qualifications, experience, professional commitments and engagement terms.
  • Act lawfully, ethically and in the public interest.
  • Maintain independence and objectivity and avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest.
  • Promote our firm’s services honestly and compete fairly.
  • Prohibit bribery and corruption by our people, and do not tolerate illegal behavior by our clients or suppliers or by public officials or behavior which is generally regarded as unethical.

These commitments are the same across all member firms and demonstrate a consistent emphasis on ethical behavior wherever Pak green does business.